martedì 11 febbraio 2020


here you can read a description of the various filters and their phase and module response

textbook reference:
funzione di trasferimento filtri reali tab 1.1 pag.6
curve di risposta in frequenza dei filtri passa basso di butterwork fig. 1.3 pag.7
risposta in frequenza di un filtro passa basso con varie scelte si approssimazione: fig. 1.6 pag.10
1.3 filtri a reazione positiva tutto il paragrafo.

design a 2nd order high pass Butterworth filter with a cut frequency of 5Khz and check it by means of Multisim. details are given in the textbook at page 14. 

un link agli appunti stile libro

martedì 17 dicembre 2019

sinusoidal oscillators

here you can find the theory of the Wien Bridge oscillator

here you can find a description of how a phase shift oscillator works

one more document from TI about oscillators. (2)

Which are the differences between these devices and the multivibrators that we studied?

 Here you may access a document about sinusoidal oscillators from TI (1)

read pages 3, 4, 5, 6 and try to understand how the device of  page 15 named "phase shift oscillator " works. Simulate it in multisim.
On multisim 14 the op amp suggested is included in the library.

1.Then try to simulate the device shown at page 16.
 What are the differences between the two devices?

At page 15 of document (1) a phase shift oscillator is presented.

2.Verify its oscillation frequency by means of the formula and simulate it on multisim. 

quadrature oscillator english version  (1) page 18, (2) page 36

3. try to simulate a quadrature oscillator that you design.
here I made available a working quadrature oscillator

  • show the various signals inside the devices 
  • explain how you can start the oscillation, 
  • what is the purpose of the trimmers whe spoke of at the lesson
  • why these devices oscillate steadily, 

giovedì 5 dicembre 2019

orale scritto, testo e soluzioni

testo del compito del 4-12

soluzione al 2o quesito 1a parte

soluzione al 2o quesito 2a parte

pubblico delle soluzioni a titolo di esempio, non mi attendevo questo in sede di orale ma solo la comprensione dei principi

esercizio 1
qui è scaricabile una simulazione del monostabile
Ho cambiato i valori per facilitare la visualizzazione sull'oscilloscopio.
Per analizzarlo conviene partire dalla situazione in cui il condensatore sarà scarico: se nel circuito del libro lo stato era quando entrambi i capi sono a VDD in questo caso sono con entrambi a 0V.
La formula dei monostabili NOR vale anche per quelli NAND dato che le soglie sono le stesse.

martedì 24 settembre 2019

lab test n°1

  • Design an amplifier with a gain of 10V/V that can deliver a balanced signal in the output
common mode signals are trasmitted via a single shielded cable while differential mode signals are transmitted by means of two cables ( in the audio domain they are referred as balanced cables).
in the following links you can find more details
Connect the device to a voltage subtractor ( i.e. a differential amplifier) and check that the output common mode signal of the resulting system is the input original signal amplified 10 times. Which are the advantages of this system?

  • Design an amplifier that can offer a continuously variable gain between -20 and +20 dB.
  • Analyse the output signal of the following comparator circuits:

 write a report about your results

lunedì 6 novembre 2017


Monostable multivibrators

Here's a version made with a 555 multivibrator ( please scroll down the page until you find it )  

A monostable made with an operational amplifier ( scroll as above to find it ) 

different tecnologies providing us monostable multivibrators.

After following the links given and reading the contents suggested.

Compare these devices(  try to figure out why you could prefer one or the other depending on the application. )

Design and simulate a monostable multivibrator for each type. The two must have an active output of 300ms.